Building Alternatives
Trust NexGenICF
Installation Options
We offer a range of installation options to fit your needs. Whether you prefer to take on the installation process yourself with our guidance, or have one of our trusted installers handle everything from start to finish, we offer a variety of solutions to meet your needs. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, providing consultation as needed.
Value Engineering
The first step is to finalize your design. We will work with you to customize and optimize your plan through the process known as value engineering. If you don’t have your own engineer, we have licensed engineers we partner with that can do a final review of your plan and provide you stamped drawings for permits, etc.
Trained Consultants
If you're considering using ICF for your project but are unsure about the installation process, don't worry! Our team has extensive experience and can provide valuable support and guidance. Whether you choose to install the forms yourself or work with a local contractor, we can offer onsite training and remote consultation to ensure a successful installation.
ICF Shell Structure
NexGen is not a General Contractor. Our specialty is providing and installing ICF foundations, ICF demising walls and ICF shell structures. We refer to the latter as the ICF Shell Structure (#ICFSHELLSTRUCTURES).
NexGen’s definition of an ICF Shell Structure is the component separating the building’s interior structure and finishes from the building’s exterior structure. This means all excavation required for the foundation, footings, all flatwork within the conditioned space – including safe rooms and porch caps, ICF walls, floor systems, beams and bearing walls (if Quad-Deck is not used) and window and door bucks. This does NOT include any non-bearing walls, roof systems, window/doors, plumbing, mechanical or electrical systems, siding, interior finish work (such as sheet rock), exterior flatwork or dirt work.
Grow Your Vision
NexGen will work with and answer questions from other trades to ensure a smooth and cost-effective installation. We will design the structure to accommodate any desired finishes and customizations. In most cases, NexGen will contract with local excavation and flatwork crews to lower the shell cost due to mobilization.
NexGen contracts with end users, developers, and general contractors. However, in order to provide a cost-effective, on-time installation, NexGen needs to set the schedule and control the process for this phase of construction. NexGen ICF can be contracted to fully execute this process or work as an hourly consultant throughout this scope.
Our Installation Services

ICF Training & Consulting Options
Pre-construction: NexGen charges a small retainer to assist in the process of obtaining permits, engineering, etc.
Value Engineering & Design: (1) NexGen will work with your preferred engineer or designer, or (2) NexGen will work with our team to provide all engineering and design work required.
Construction Consultation: NexGen can be used on site and/or remotely, as needed, to consult and help manage the process to ensure a quality finished product for the end user.
ICF is the perfect solution for demising walls. It provides excellent sound and fire proofing between units. Even if you don’t want to build the entire structure out of ICF, we can build the ICF walls for the same cost (or less, in most cases) as traditional construction.
NexGen will install an ICF, waterproof foundation ready for framing, flatwork, and backfill.
NexGen can provide a complete ICF Shell Structure installation as described above.